The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Communication Studies prepares students for a wide variety of careers including advertising, business, sales, communication consulting, training and development, human resources, politics, government, health fields, and other careers that focus on problem-solving interactions, management, and human relations.
The concentration in Relational Communication and Social Interaction examines core concepts and processes of face-to-face interactions within social and intimate relationships. Students address themes such as listening, conflict, emotion, perception, and relationship changes that occur in the context of person-to-person communication. This concentration prepares students for professional and personal success by enhancing their communicative competency skills in message creation, production, exchange, and interpretation.
The concentration in Journalism and Digital Mediaprepares students for careers in the ever-evolving news media landscape. The degree provides practice in the foundations of traditional and emerging journalism. In this concentration, students develop skills in reporting, investigating, fact-checking, writing, and creating multimedia news content.
The concentration in Public Relations and Strategic Communication introduces students to the rigorous and rewarding work of the public relations practitioner. Public relations is a multifaceted, ever-evolving field woven into society in many dimensions from organizations and nonprofits to politics and entertainment. In this concentration, students practice public relations theory, research, strategic planning, writing, and ethics.