November In the News

November News

Abbrinnia Austin, BA theatre, Jacob Medich, BFA musical theatre, Jack Saunders, BFA musical theatre, & Samantha Turner, BFA musical theatre, will be attending a conference called UPTA (Unified Professional Theatre Auditions) in February in hopes of booking a summer or year around acting job.  

Dean Marvin Curtis, professor of music, will have three of his arrangements of African-American spirituals performed on the faculty recital series concert at Georgia University on November 25, at 7:30 pm. The program will be live-streamed.  

Hanah Gerencer, BFA new media studies (video/motion media), has helped start an Investment club on IU South Bend campus. Hanah is currently the president of the club.  

Jennifer Muniz, associate professor of musicperformed Ryan Olivier’s work Musica Vita for piano, electronic sound, and video at the joint College Music Society/Association of Technology in Musical Instruction National conference in Louisville, Kentucky on October 24.  

Dora Natella, associate professor of fine arts, had her piece titled “Calliope” selected for the 86th Annual Awards Exhibition at Brookgreen Gardens, in Pawleys Island, SC. from August to October 2019. As an award winner, the sculpture will be included in a second exhibition which will take place at the headquarters of the National Sculpture Society from November 25, 2019 to February 1, 2020 in New York City, NY. Dora has also been awarded the 4th prize in the XII Florence Biennale by the International jury for her piece “Lorenzo il Magnifico” in the sculpture category, for the bronze sculpture titled, “L’Uovo”  

Ryan Olivier, assistant professor of music, performed his work On the Performance of Water for Leap Motion Controller and interactive video and electronic sound at the Society of Composers, Inc. Regional Conference at Eastern Illinois University on October 11.