Dr. Gina Reynolds currently serves as Public Speaking Course Coordinator and Lecturer in the Communication Studies department at Indiana University South Bend. She has extensive experience in speech and debate having taught and coached speech and debate for over 15 years in her previous positions as Assistant Professor and Debate coach. Her research interests include roles, relationships, identity negotiation and how these impact individuals’ both in their personal and professional lives. Focusing on identity and well-being during COVID-19 mask restrictions, her publication titled, Other people thought I was dirty or crazy: Identity conversations about medical exceptions to masking, appeared recently in Communication Studies journal. Likewise, her dissertation and presentation at the Central States Communication conference focuses on the rejections of the Good Mother concept and other ways homeschool moms balance the roles of mom and teacher (“It’s hard. I love it and it’s hard!”; Homeschool moms’ navigation of academic and non-academic life). Other research interests include student success and bringing innovative engaged research experiences into the classroom. Reynolds’ honors include being awarded the Ross-Lynn Research Scholarship (Purdue University), receiving a Top Four Student Interpersonal Paper award in 2020 (National Communication Association) and receiving the School of Communication Graduate Teaching Effectiveness Award in 2020 (Western Michigan University).
Gina Reynolds

Additional Information
- Ph.D. Communication, Purdue University 2023
- M.A. Communication, Western Michigan University 2020
- B.A. Communication, Rhode Island College 1989
Research Interests:
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Navigation of roles and identity impacts
- Engaged researchMixed and Engaged Research Methods
- Engaged teaching
Courses Taught at IUSB:
- SPCH S-121 Public Speaking
- SPCH S-405 Human Communication Theory
- SPCH C-393 Communication Reserach Methods
- SPCH S-335 Family Communication
- SPCH S-229 Discussion and Group Methods
Other interests:
- Vacationing in warm beachy places
- Spending time with family
- Plant based cooking
- Decorating and remodeling