Currently On Leave Yuri Obata was born and raised in Matsue city, Shimane Prefecture in Japan, and came to the United States to study violin performance at the University of Michigan. Once she had completed a music degree program there, she moved forward to study mass communication, receiving a Ph.D. degree in Communication from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She joined the IU South Bend faculty in 2006. She was a post-doctorate fellow at the Clarke Program in East Asian Law and Culture at Cornell Law School in 2007-2008. In the 2013-2014 academic year, she was a visiting research fellow in Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths College, University of London during her sabbatical leave.
Yuri Obata Ph.D.

Her research interests are in media law and ethics, as well as international media and public service broadcasting. She is particularly interested in the analysis of court decisions on offensive expression cases, in a comparative manner among different nations. The overall goal of her research is to acquire a better understanding of the responsibility of mass media, corresponding to each nation’s cultural and historical experience.
Additional Information
- Ph.D. University of Colorado at Boulder
- M. Mus. University of Michigan
Research Interests:
Comparative Media Law
First Amendment Theories
Additional Interests:
Courses Taught at IUSB:
- COMM-C 531: Media Theory and Criticism
- JOUR-C 200: Introduction to Mass Communication
- JOUR-J 300: Communications Law
- JOUR-J 410: Media as Social Institutions
- SPCH-S 502: Introduction to Communication Theory
- TEL-R 287: Process and Effects of Mass Communication
- TEL-T 313: Comparative Media Systems
- TEL-T 390: Literary and Intellectual Tradition
- TEL-R 404: Topical Seminar in Telecommunication